Make An Appointment

Same day or next day appointments may be available. Please call 301.737.4604 to schedule
an appointment, or submit the form below and a member of our staff will contact you promptly.

Contact Form Client
How May We Help You? *
How May We Contact You? *
May we call or text you back? *

Pregnancy Center Locations

Pregnancy Center Lexington Park, Maryland

Care Net Pregnancy Center of Southern Maryland Lexington Park

21562 Thames Ave.
Lexington Park, MD 20653


Monday: 9AM-3PM

Tuesday: 9AM-5PM 

Wednesday 9AM-5PM

Thursday: 9AM-3PM

Friday: 9AM-2PM

*For material assistance, or to drop off donations, please call ahead.

Pregnancy Center Prince Frederick, Maryland

Care Net Pregnancy Center of Southern Maryland Prince Frederick

2196 Solomons Island Rd. Ste 3
Prince Frederick, MD 20678


Monday: 9AM-3PM

Tuesday: (Closed)

Wednesday: 9AM-5PM

Thursday: (Closed)

*For material assistance, or to drop off donations, please call ahead.