Abortion Information Southern Maryland

Abortion Information Southern Maryland

We provide free pregnancy services and abortion information in Southern Maryland. If you’re considering abortion and you live in Lexington Park, Leonardtown, or Prince Frederick, Maryland, we are here to help.

Care Net Pregnancy Center of Southern Maryland understands the difficulty of facing an unexpected pregnancy. Perhaps you’re considering abortion, you may have already called an abortion clinic in Maryland. Take time to learn more about your options. We strive to provide you with objective pregnancy and sexual health education so you can make a confident decision. Learn more about your pregnancy and what to do next. All services are provided at no cost to you, call us 301-737-4604 today.




Medication abortion also called the abortion pill, can be taken up to 70 days (10 weeks pregnant). The abortion pill is taken in two doses, one typically at a doctor’s office and the other at home.1

The FDA specifically warns people not to buy the abortion pill, or the generic version on the Internet because it by-passes safeguards.2,3

There are several types of surgical abortions. Suction aspiration, also called suction curettage, or vacuum aspiration abortion, is performed during the first 6 to 14 weeks gestational stage. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) is another type of procedure typically done in later weeks. Both types have risks and side-effects and greatly vary depending on your gestation and health.4


Confidential Consultation
At your appointment, you will receive a lab-quality pregnancy test initially. If the test is positive, you will be offered an ultrasound. A free ultrasound can confirm a viable pregnancy and estimate how far along you are. If you are contemplating abortion, an ultrasound will provide crucial information to help you understand your options better. Speak with a nurse today.

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Abortion Costs

You’re pregnant! There are many things to consider when evaluating your pregnancy options. With all the stress and uncertainty, you might be considering abortion. In addition to the physical and spiritual demands a termination places on you, there is also a monetary cost associated as well. It is important to know the financial burden associated and costs in your area.

Find out about Abortion Costs.

Abortion Procedures

There are two types of termination, medical and surgical.  Medical terminations, also know as The Pill or RU-486 can be taken up to 70 days after the start of your last menstrual period.  Surgical terminations are done using medical instruments to physically terminate the pregnancy.

Find out about Abortion Procedures.


Medication termination also called ‘the abortion pill’, can be taken up to 10 weeks pregnant. The typical cost for the pill in Maryland is $400-525 but could be higher per provider.

Find out about The Abortion Pill.

Find out about The Abortion Pill Reversal.

Dr. Ejiroghene Onos

Dr. Ejiroghene Onos

Medical Director

The content on this page has been reviewed and approved by our medical director: Dr. Ejiroghene Onos

It’s your right. Know your options.